Rachel Lauver Director of Marketing

Rachel Lauver, Director of Marketing

What brought you to CSN?
A few years ago I was highly considering walking away from my marketing career to pursue community health or clinical research because I was so frustrated by the research and treatment gaps within women’s health and pediatric medicine. I went down a rabbit hole trying to understand how research gets funded and why certain populations haven’t seen treatment advancements for decades.

That’s when I came across The Cure Starts Now. Reading through their website, I thought to myself “If more people knew about this organization, I truly think they could cure cancer”. So now I’m here, trying to make sure the whole world knows about The Cure Starts Now.

What I do at CSN
I’m the Director of Marketing for The Cure Starts Now. My team exists to support our Chapters in marketing their fundraising events, tell the stories of our Warriors, and get the word out about why people should invest in the Homerun Cure.

What I like most about my job
The best part of my job is knowing that every single person I work with has a huge heart and a desire to change the world for the better. From our staff to our chapters, there are so many incredible people here who are so passionate and talented and it’s an honor to work alongside them.

What moment have you cherished most at CSN?
Hearing the stories of our Warriors is something I really cherish. Our family support team and our storytelling coordinator put tremendous care into getting to know these children and their families. I look forward to our staff meetings where we get to hear about our new warriors, what they love, and what makes them all special.

Many people would be surprised if they knew I…
…am also an artist! I love linocut printmaking, illustration, oil, and watercolor painting. At one point, I ran a creative studio where I also did freelance photography and graphic design. While I no longer have time to run that, I do still sell prints of my paintings!