The Cure Starts Now

Family Never Fights Alone

Cana And Cameron
Brain Cancer Warriors, Cana and Cameron

When Cara’s three-year-old son, Cameron, was diagnosed with ependymoma, her world was turned upside down. Like any mother, she was determined to do everything in her power to help her child. Cara immersed herself in research, connecting with others in online brain cancer support groups to learn as much as possible about her son’s condition.

It was in one of these support groups that Cara met Lauren, a mother facing a similar battle. Lauren’s five-year-old daughter, Cana, had just experienced a relapse of the same tumor that Cameron was fighting. The connection between the two mothers was immediate, and through shared experiences and countless messages, they became each other’s cheerleaders and confidants.

"The support The Cure Starts Now offered us in their warrior program was unmatched, we never felt alone in this scary new uncharted world we were thrust into without warning." - Cara Sarubin, Cameron's Mom

Shared Struggles, Shared Strength

Cara and Lauren

On one particularly challenging day, both Cameron and Cana fell ill and found themselves in the emergency room. By chance, Lauren and Cara crossed paths, both wearing Brain Cancer Warrior t-shirts, gifts from The Cure Starts Now, and a symbol of their shared fight.

Their bond was mirrored by the instant friendship that blossomed between Cameron and Cana. The two children brought joy and laughter to the hospital, racing tricycles up and down the halls and brightening the days of all the medical staff on the oncology floor.

For any parent, their journey is filled with anxiety and uncertainty. Each MRI scan brings a wave of emotions along with fear of the unknown. But in the face of these challenges, Cara and Lauren have found strength in each other and The Cure Starts Now to help shoulder the burdens that accompany every step of their journey. Driven by their commitment to funding research and helping other families, both Cameron and Cana represent The Cure Starts Now as Ambassadors in the fight for a cure.

Your Donation Makes a Difference

During Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, we ask you to join the fight against childhood cancer by donating to The Cure Starts Now. Your contributions support vital research that brings us closer to a cure and provides vital options to families like Cara and Lauren.

By donating today, you become a part of Cameron and Cana’s story. You stand with Cara, Lauren, and countless other families who are fighting every day for a future where hope is given to children battling cancer.

“We are honored and excited to be part of an organization that shares our desperation to find a cure by directly funding these efforts. We’ve also been thankful for the resources, awareness, and connections for warrior families as well as their communities battling alongside of them!” - Lauren Booth, Cana's Mom

Show our families that they are not fighting alone: